Save Up To 40% - Brass Instrument Care And Cleaning
Giardinelli Silver Trumpet Master Care Pack
Trumpet snake, valve oil, 2-step brush (small), tuning slide grease, silver polishing cloth, valve brush, deluxe Cordura case.
Price: $14.99 Ships free on most orders over $99
List Price: $24.99
Giardinelli Microfiber Polish Cloth
Cloth picks up fingerprints and smudges without leaving a dust trail like cotton polish cloths. 12" x 12" with stitched edge.
Price: $9.99 Ships free on most orders over $99
List Price: $14.99
Rating: Overall: 8.90
Bach 1877 Trumpet Repair/Maintenance Kit
Contains the most common repair parts for Bach Stradivarius trumpets, such as water key springs, valve felts, stem felts, etc.
Price: $22.99 Ships free on most orders over $99
List Price: $36.50
Rating: Overall: 10.00
Slide-O-Mix Trombone Lubrication System
Used by professional trombone artists worldwide, this long-lasting formula needs only a minimum application for maximum speed and action. Apply...
Price: $10.99 Ships free on most orders over $99
List Price: $17.20
Rating: Overall: 9.81